SHOEI, pas le fabricant de casque pour moto, mais bien la marque très connu des propriétaires de Classics relancent un modèle de leur catalogue…

On apprends ainsi que la production du ‘MKb42 (H) model gun’ et un kit de transformation de ‘MP38’ sont en production. Il faut savoir que ces modèles n’ont plus été produits depuis 16 longues années, et c’est suite à de nombreuses demandes que SHOEI s’est décidé de relancer une production…

La suite des explications et des images à la suite de cet article.

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much for your continued patronage. Now, we are planning the ‘MKb42 (H) model gun’ and ‘MP38 transformation kit’ (kit which transforms made in Chinese ‘AGM MP40 airsoft’ into MP38) as a next manufacture product. Although the ‘MKb42 (H) model gun’ was the model which we sold 16 years ago, we received the many resale request from a new generation or a foreign customer with the spread of today’s Internet etc. until now.

We decided to re-manufacture this model the other day in order to respond to it. We make use of past experience and want to finish it in the best model. Since a price does not go truly that it is the same as 16-year before, it is planning 150,000 to 160,000JPY. We decide according to an order received about the number of manufactures.

Since manufacture preparation is begun soon, when there is an order, please tell me immediately. The manufacture period is planning about three months from now on.

Next, although it is ‘MP38 transformation kit’, it becomes the parts which built the magazine mouse manufactured by the metallic mold of the zinc alloy into the upper receiver which began to delete aluminum here. For the moment, the price is planning 20,000 to 30,000 yen. The manufacture period is planning one to two months from now on.

Moreover, the present stock which we have are as follows:

MP44 model gun – 9 pcs

MG42 BB gun. If it is the number of some, we can prepare after an order within several days.

When there is an order also here, please tell me immediately.

Now, the world economy is very bad and the Japanese yen is very high. However, thank you for still purchasing our product always. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you very much always. Greetings from Japan.

Best regards,

Shoei Seisakusho Inc., Japan

Une réponse à to “[SHOEI] Une relance de Produits chez SHOEI Japan…”

  • avatar Dirty Larry:

    Une bonne nouvelle dans tous les cas car cela témoigne de la motivation de shoei, pour sortir des répliques de modèles aussi méconnus – mais superbes et intéressants, la MP38 est le précurseur de la MP40 et a été employée notamment pendant la campagne de France, et la Mkb 42/H a été le premier des précurseurs du Sturmgewehr a avoir été expérimentée en situation réelle. Cela prouve aussi l’intérêt pour des répliques atypiques qui changent des M4 et AK… GG.

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